About lola

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Alkistis (Lola) Avgeris - Aλκηστις (Λόλα) Αυγέρη is a Canadian-born, Greek artist painter, educated in Canada, France, and Italy. Proud, straight descendant of Ancient Spartans, she follows and examines the paths of her ancestors in Laconia, and divides her life in between two realities: Greek and American. She lives in Washington, District of Columbia with her husband and her three children: Orestis, Odysseas and Kallisto.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Bonding à la grecque







Written in 20th of  November 2013

On Thursday evening the man I love and I went out. Oresti, our son, stayed for a few hours with his grandparents. Everything was very romantic, except that we missed our son. My husband called his parents dozen of times and asked how is Oresti.... On eleventh time my father in law lost his patience and told my husband do not call again, because they were bonding with their grandson and his calls were disturbing the process. After we heard that they are bonding with Oresti, we lost our desire to be out and we wanted to see how their bonding looked like.

When we entered their home this what we saw:
Three of them were in the master bedroom. Oresti, like a little bundle was lying in the middle of the bed. Hypnos, a Greek God of sleep was taking care of him; he was sleeping like a baby.
My parents in law brought two chairs from the dining room, put them side by side in front of the bed just like in the theater, sat quietly there, and watched Oresti sleeping. Our calls disturbed this process…

We were so touched by the picture we saw, we have barely said anything on the way home, and then, half of the night we talked about…love.

Our End of Greek Summer

Anavyssos, Greece
Written on 26th of August, 2013

There are two months in a year I love the most: June and August. First, because people I love were born in June: my father, my brother, my husband and my son…and then there is August, the month of fulfilled dreams, the month of lions, I was... born in August…Well, I am not that big lioness, rather a small one…August is also the warmest month of the year, and as long as I remember, we have always spent it in Greece. I love August, the month of the shooting stars. We have seen many of them this year. This August was very special to me. I had the first vacation with the man I love, and with our son.

Our last week-end in Greece is over ….on Thursday we will close the doors of our new home here, and say Good Bye to Anavissos, to Glyfada, to Sparta, and to Gythion, to all those places we have in our blood. Until next summer they will stay in our thoughts and in our dreams. We will remember warm winds in the morning, and the smell of the citrus trees in the yards…

We will miss all that, and we will talk about it ….


The Land of Gods


Written on August 9th, 2013

We are in the heart of Laconia, in Mani, in the place the man I love comes from….Gythion (Γύθειον) Gy Theon - Γη Θεών- which means - The Land of Gods…..and it really is…Gythio - one of the oldest harbour towns known in the history of human kind. In this port, prince Paris of Troy kept his boat when he was visiting Menelaus, the king of Sparta, and to this boat he had brought the wife of Menelaus, Helen of Sparta, which he had stolen from the king. This is how the Trojan War had started.

Our story here is not that dramatic. We stay in the white house surrounded by red, very fragrant roses. My father in law has already introduced to his world his first born grandson – our Oresti…. they share the same name and surname….the life goes on…

My American Spartan has put our bed on the balcony. We are having here very tender nights, full of love whispers…. We are watching the stars, the stars are watching us, we are a part of the universe….but we have not seen yet a shooting star….this is something to wait for…

Today, I have a birthday and my American Spartan takes me and our son to the town where a Greek poet Maria Polidouri was born…to Kalamata… the town of kalon mation- καλών ματιών…the town of beautiful eyes…. Do people have beautiful eyes there? I’ll find it out today..