About lola

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Alkistis (Lola) Avgeris - Aλκηστις (Λόλα) Αυγέρη is a Canadian-born, Greek artist painter, educated in Canada, France, and Italy. Proud, straight descendant of Ancient Spartans, she follows and examines the paths of her ancestors in Laconia, and divides her life in between two realities: Greek and American. She lives in Washington, District of Columbia with her husband and her three children: Orestis, Odysseas and Kallisto.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Arrivederci Roma

La Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti -famous Spanish Steps ( the Spanish Embassy is nearby ).
On the top of the photo, la chiesa (a church) 
di Trinità dei Monti

Written on 29th of  May, 2015

A few years ago I was living and studying in Bologna, Italy, and nearly every weekend I have spent exploring towns and cities of Italia, usually alone, but sometimes with my brothers or friends.

There was only one exception: I liked to go to Rome all by myself....alone.

I have developed a very personal relationship with the eternal city. On Saturdays, early morning, I used to take a train to Rome. With time it became a habit. The evening before the trip, I chose some of my artworks, I believed were interesting enough to show them in the Roman art galleries. Sometimes, I was lucky and sold a painting, or two. Sometimes, for over four or five months nobody paid attention to my work....

I have never stayed in the hotel alone, good Greek girls do not stay in the hotels alone. But, I resolved that problem very easily. My Italian friends in Bologna told me that the best place to stay in Rome, for a girl was....a convent. I got an address, and whenever I went to Rome, I have always slept in one place - in Casa Maria Immacolata, in a convent, in a modest hotel run by nuns, one of the best and safest place on earth to sleep. It is in the heart of Rome, just nearby Piazza del Popolo. I suspected that the sisters were angels sent to Rome to make people happy…

My encounters with Rome were profoundly emotional.  Perhaps, because I was already an adult, an artist painter in making, and I needed a touch of Mediterranean sensuality and sophistication to finish my intellectual structure, I don't know. I used to live in Paris before and never had that kind of feelings, but Paris was a home away from home, I have a family there, my parents studied there, I am a product of French culture, and French is the only language I really know…
With Rome everything was different. I discovered it all by myself. I polished my Italian there and for the first time in my life, I started to feel I was ….an artist painter.

There is a street in Rome which became famous because of an American movie - Roman Holiday. In Ancient Rome it was nothing but famous. There was an open waste-stream in the neighborhood. The movie made Via Margutta fashionable. In our days it is a place where many art galleries are located, and even an Italian movie director, Federico Fellini, used to have his home there.
One day, on Via Margutta, I have seen a young couple, kissing, and realized how alone I was. Because, no matter how comfortable you are with yourself, if you don’t love, you really don’t exist.
From that day on, every time I was coming to Rome, I day-dreamt that I would meet the man of my life. Those dreams were always the same: the prince would be Greek, tall, dark, and handsome…and of course well educated, and fluent in Greek…preferably from Laconia….and I would meet him on Via  Margutta, or Piazza del Popolo, or somewhere else…and… and... Rome did not deliver.
I felt deeply disappointed, and started to dislike the eternal city…..

I met the man of my life in America, he was already in love with me for over a year, when I saw him for the first time, and he was all that I have dreamt about in Rome..... with the family roots in Mani, in Laconia….
The man I love is very romantic and loves Italy, so we go there quite often…
I don’t need Rome for a love scenario now…. although, I enjoy kissing on Via Margutta….

Roma, I don’t expect anything from you anymore, so...addio,
e grazie per tutto il pesce*
Till next time…Arrivederci Roma!

*So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish– The
the fourth book of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

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